All information on this website is provided in good faith and believed correct, but Asahi Kasei Corporation undertakes no obligation, liability, warranty, or other responsibility, express or implied, for its completeness or accuracy.

It is the responsibility of the user to determine the suitability of the product for the intended use, and the information herein is provided only on this condition.

Asahi Kasei Corporation is under no obligation whatsoever, whether express or implied, in relation to any loss or damage occurring in or arising out of the use of any product or information described herein.

All information on this website does not represent and is not to be construed as a recommendation for any application or use of products, processes, equipment, or formulations described herein which may be in conflict with any valid patent.

In relation to any and all of the above, Asahi Kasei Corporation is under no obligation or liability of any nature for any loss or damage, and undertakes no warranty relating thereto.